"It is evident that her insider perspective of ... performance has heavily influenced her art,
stating, 'it is important to me to create work that has meaning, tells a story, and evokes an
emotion, no matter what my medium is.'"
Brynne Levy is a professional photographer and retoucher based in New York City. Prior to photography, she worked in the circus and performing arts as an instructor and performer. Having grown up on the stage, she continues to be inspired by textured movement and visual storytelling. Through her artwork, she aims to create visceral imagery that challenges societal norms and portrays vulnerability as a source of strength and power.
Brynne is also experienced in architectural and interior photography and retouching. Her acquaintance with this highly technical field influences her current process and workflow, while her artistic background lends a story-based approach to her more technical work.
She is currently focused on merging formal elements of design and architecture with fluid, emotive movement and performance arts.
Regardless of the project, she seeks to capture feeling and evoke emotion with her imagery.